The business area of Salerno & Associates specializes in Gas, Oil and Electricity matters, offering its clients advisory services that allow both the developer and the potential acquirer to have all the necessary guarantees to make a safe and beneficial sale and purchase for the parties involved.
Sale & Purchase of Projects
We advise the buyer or seller during the entire negotiation process for the purchase or sale of greenfield, brownfield or ready to build projects in the energy sector (e.g. power plants, project developments, gas pipelines).
Project Finance
We advise and support companies throughout the entire process of search, assessment and collaboration with an investor or financial entity to carry out projects in the energy sector as well as in other sectors.
EPC and O&M
We advise project developers to structure bidding processes to select the best EPC to build their projects and O&M to maintain them. In addition, we advise EPC contractors to participate, develop and build EPC and O&M projects in the energy sector.